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Deca 200

Product no.: 3.3001

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Old price C$70.00
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Deca Durabolin Information...... Active Life: 14-16 days........ Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (injectable)......... Average Dose: Men 300-800 mg/week.....Women 50-100 mg/week........... Acne: Yes, in higher dosages or sensitive individuals......... Water Retention: Yes, but less than testosterone............ High Blood Pressure: Dose depandant........... Liver Toxic: No......... Aromatization: Low, converts to less active norestrogens........... DHT Conversion: No, converts to NOR-DHT with low activity.......... Decrease HPTA function: Yes, extreme.......... Other Info: Highly anabolic/moderate androgenic effects.......... Generic Name: nandrolone decanoate......... Deca durabolin is the Organon brand name for nandrolone decanoate. World wide Deca is one of the most popular injectable steroids. It's popularity is likely due to the fact that Deca exhibits significant anabolic effects with minimal androgenic side effects.......... Deca Durabolin Dosage.......... Considered by many the best overall steroid for a man to use (side effects vs. results) Deca durabolin is most commonly injected once per week at a dosage of 200-400mg. With this amount, estrogen conversion is slight so gyno is no problem. Also uncommon are problems with liver enzymes, blood pressure or cholesterol levels. At higher dosages, side effects may become increasingly more frequent, but this is still a very well tolerated drug. It should also be noted that in HIV studies, Deca has been shown not only to be effective at safely bringing up the lean bodyweight of patient but also to be beneficial to the immune system........... For bodybuilding, Deca durabolin can effectively be incorporated in both mass and cutting cycles it stacks good with sustanon, dianabol, anadrol... One major drawback to Deca is that it can be detected in a drug screen for as long as a year after use. Unfortunately for many competitive athletes, this makes Deca and other nandrolone products off limits. Deca is also a comparatively expensive anabolic. Black market, 200mg of Deca will cost upwards of $20 in most instances. Deca produces very few side effects......... It is easy on the liver and promotes good size and strength gains while reducing body fat. Deca can be used by almost all athletes, with positive results and very few side effects, deca has gained a reputation as being somewhat of an alleviator of sore joints and tendons. Athletes report that sore shoulders, knees and/or elbows are somehow without pain on the Deca cycle.......... This drug dramatically improves nitrogen retention and recuperation time between workouts........... During competitions with doping tests Deca must not be taken since the metabolites in the body can be proven in a urine analysis up to 18 months later. Those who do not fear testing can use Deca as a high-anabolic basic compound in a dosage of 400 mg/week. The androgens contained in 400 mg/week also help to accelerate the body's regeneration............ The risk of potential water retention and aromatizing to estrogen can be successfully prevented by combining the use of Proviron with Nolvadex. A preparatory stack often observed in competing athletes includes 400 mg/week Deca Durabolin, 50 mg/day Winstrol, 228 mg/week Parabolan, and 25 mg/day Anavar. Although the side effects with Deca Durabolin are relatively low with dosages of 400 mg/week, androgenic-caused side effects can occur. Most problems manifest themselves in high blood pressure and a prolonged time for blood clotting, which can cause frequent nasal bleeding and prolonged bleeding of cuts, as well as increased production of the sebaceous gland and occasional acne. Some athletes also report headaches and sexual overstimulation. When very high dosages are taken over a prolonged period, spermatogencsis can be inhibited in men, i.e the testes produce less testosterone. The reason is that Deca Durabolin, like almost all steroids, inhibits the release of gonadotropin from the hypophysis........... Women with a dosage of up to 100 mg/week usually experience no major problems with Deca Durabolin. At higher dosages androgenic-caused virilization symptoms can occur, including deep voice (irreversible), increased growth of body hair, acne, increased libido, and possibly clitorishypertrophy. Since most female athletes get on well with Deca Durabolin a dose of Deca 50 mg+/week is usually combined with Anavar 10 mg+/day. Both compounds, when taken in a low dosage, are only slightly androgenic so that masculinizing side effects only rarely occur. Deca, through its increased protein synthesis, also leads to a net muscle gain and Anavar, based on the increased phosphocreatine synthesis, leads to a measurable strength gain with very low water retention.......... Other variations of administration used by female athletes are Deca Durabolin and Winstrol tablets, as well as Deca Durabolin and Primobolan's tablets. Since Deca Durabolin has no negative effects on the liver it can even be used by persons with liver diseases. Exams have shown that a combined application of Dianabol / Deca Durabolin increases the liver values which, however, return to normal upon discontinuance of the 17-alpha alkylated Dianabol and continued administration of Deca Durabolin. Even a treatment period with Deca Durabolin over several years could not reveal a damage to the liver. For this reason Deca Durabolin combines well with Andriol (240-280 mg/day) since Andriol is not broken down through the liver and thus the liver function is not influenced either. Older and more cautious steroid users, in particular, like this combination............

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